FREE Flights To Plovdiv 2020

We are proud to announce that we are offering FREE flights to Plovdiv for the enrolment process as part of our extensive package! This is a service only provided by MedConnect Europe and sets us apart from the rest of the agencies.

This is the 2nd year we are offering flights as its been a huge success with our past students. Since our students will be conducting the entrance exam online, they do not have to travel to Bulgaria until it is time for the relocation period.

We know it is a concern for both students and parents who are travelling to Bulgaria for the first time. Parents can be at ease knowing that their children will be travelling to Bulgaria with a MedConnect representative and will not be alone at any time.

Travelling as a group also allows our students to meet one another before even reaching Bulgaria. We have found our students to find the relocation process easier when they are with others in the same position as them.

Once we reach Sofia International Airport, our students will be transported to Plovdiv together with our representative where they will be taken to a restaurant for a meal followed by spending the night at our partner hotel. The next day our representatives and partner estate agents will finalise the apartments.

You can watch this entire process that took place last year:

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